It’s a funny old world.
Having taken that fateful decision 18 months ago to select a PC with the Vista operating system – along with how ever many other fools, I realised tonight where the value in Vista really lies. It’s the snipping tool. Nothing else, just the snipping tool.

For the unenlightenend, the snipping tool lets you, at the click of a mouse, encircle (well, enrectangle) ANYTHING on the screen at any time and save it as a JPEG. From there on, the captured item is all yours to do with as you please. Heaven.
Ironically, in creating this post, I discovered the snip tool’s hidden weakness…….it can’t snip itself ! No way to capture the snip icon in action. Hence the image here lifted from the ether; from exactly where I neither know nor care.
Windows 7 Beta – what’s that all about?
my mac does that and you can’t capture the tool