This is one of the most convenient pictures of a conjunction I’ve ever taken. I just opened the door of the flat, which has a reasonably clear view out to the West across the Thames, and there it was!
Like most folks, I hardly ever get to see Mercury at all – especially when I’m in the UK. With Venus and Jupiter as markers, it’s easy to find.
I should add that Mercury wasn’t actually naked-eye visible tonight, but clear enough in 15×70 binocs, and through the magic of digital photography of course. (This was 1/8″, f5.6, ISO 320, 135mm.)
These three planets will be shuffling around the same patch of sky for the next few evenings, so if you didn’t catch them tonight, try again tomorrow.
Update 3rd June 2013
The three planets have all strung out by now. Just Mercury visible in this shot.

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