Tag Archives: parrot

Zoonomian Lives!

As I haven’t posted anything for a while, this is just to say I’m still here (yes, sorry), and normal service – whatever that is – will be resumed as soon as possible.  Anyhow, photos are easy !  So here are three I took at Santa Barbara Zoo last summer, including the inspiration for Mac’s latest operating system.

Slurp (Photo: Tim Jones at Santa Barbara Zoo)
Snow Leopard (Photo:Tim Jones at Santa Barbara Zoo)
Snow Leopard (Photo:Tim Jones at Santa Barbara Zoo)
Parrot (Photo: Tim Jones at Santa Barbara Zoo)
Parrot (Photo: Tim Jones at Santa Barbara Zoo

The Zoo is brilliant by the way.  I saw no distressed animals (they’re living in SB for crisakes!) – and I recommend it.  $5 to feed the giraffe.