Some of you may know that in addition to Zoonomian, I’m a contributing editor at, the conservation group run by post-graduate students from Imperial College under the leadership of Will Pearse.

It’s therefore a great pleasure to introduce this first one day conference organised by ConservationToday, and encourage you to go along.
The Open Ground conference will explore the common ground between the wider arts and sciences in conservation – taking place on the 20th of June in London.
John Fa – Director of conservation science at the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust
Armand Leroi – Professor at Imperial College London and BBC presenter of ‘Darwin’s Lost Voyage’
Sam Turvey – involved with the Yangtze River Dolphin, ZSL
Ruth Padel – former Professor of Poetry at Oxford and prize-winning author of ‘Darwin: a life in poems’
…and many more!
UPDATE Feb 2010
The audio of proceedings is here.
Article on the meeting in the Guardian 18 June 2009