Update 15th March – I’ve posted the top 50 winning messages HERE.
Update 13th March – Competition results. For those of you checking back for the 12th March winning messages, they don’t seem to have appeared yet. Another eerie silence if you like. Watch this space.
It’s been a spacey couple of weeks here at Zoonomian. What with the Royal Society’s meeting on astrobiology and the search for extra-terrestrial life (SETI), rapping ET-style, and a return to the Buck Rogers era. And we’re not finished yet.
You might remember one of the speakers at the Royal Society event was physicist Paul Davies, who also has a new book coming out, The Eerie Silence: Are we alone in the Universe?.
I’ll be writing a full review of Eerie Silence in due course, but meantime you might want to take part in what looks like a fun competition, launched today by publishers Penguin UK together with National Science and Engineering Week.
They’re asking the question:
Is there anybody out there? What would you say if you could send a message into space?
Would you say hello, ask the meaning of life, share an insight or just complain about the weather?
As the organisers say, this is a rare opportunity to beam up to 5000 messages into space to celebrate the 50th anniversary of SETI, the Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence, which is the subject of Davies’s book.

So get your thinking cap on, make your message funny, thoughtful or wise and do something extraordinary.
The best 50 messages, as chosen by a judging committee, will be posted at the Penguin website and also here on Zoonomian on 12 March, the first day of National Science and Engineering Week 2010 and in the national media. Winning entrants’ names and home location, only, may be credited at the foot of each message. In addition, the 50 winning entrants will each receive a copy of “The Eerie Silence: Are we Alone in the Universe?” by Paul Davies.
To send a message of no more than 40 words, simply go to www.penguin.co.uk/eeriesilence and enter your message.
Entries will be accepted between 8th – 28th February 2010.
Winners notified on 3 March and the 50 winning entries will go public on 12 March 2010. For full details and Terms and Conditions, see the website.
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