UPDATED 21:00 PST. 12/03/2013
More comet PANSTARRS tonight. This time with the crescent moon, and a few aircraft trying to get into shot as usual:

Aircraft getting in on the act:

UPDATED 20:00 PST. 11/03/2013
A couple more PANSTARRS pictures from Monday 11th March 2013 in the hills above Los Angeles. I think the air was even clearer than last night, and there was no cloud to speak of. First shot here includes an aircraft coming into LAX. In the second shot, the bright point below the comet is Mars. Hope to catch the crescent moon in shot on Wednesday 13th.

I was too busy last night finding the thing to notice, but I wouldn’t describe this as a ‘naked eye’ comet – so far. Detectable in 7×40 binoculars; much better in 15 x 70s.

10th March 2013
Here are my first pictures of comet PANSTARRS c/2011 L4, taken shortly after sunset from the hills above Los Angeles on 10th March 2013 between 19.30 and 19.45 PST. I’m hoping to get some more shots when the comet is close to the moon on Wednesday 13th, and will update if successful. Quite a challenging subject and my first comet! Exposure info. for these: Canon 7D, 200mm and 400mm, f.5.0-5.6, 1/4 s to 1s, ISO 800 and 1600.
Picture from here 10th March 2013:

If you missed Pan-STARRS c/2011 L4, come back in 100 million years or so; or make your own comet.
Here’s an even better view of Pan-STARRS C/2012 L4, thanks to NASA: