Tag Archives: corvidae

Blinking Crows

Question to any crow experts out there.  I recently spotted these two standing together, and noticed that they seemed never to blink at the same time – as if consciously taking it in turns.   It’s easy to tell when a crow blinks by the opaque whiteness of the inner eyelid.  This went on for a minute or two.

Nudge, nudge...
Wink, wink...

Say no more...

So, is this some kind of coordinated look-out tactic crows and/or other birds follow to maximise safety?   They were long leisurely blinks, so that might make sense.  Or was this a one off behaviour –  and I’m making up my own stories?

The things that preoccupy one on these warm summer evenings…..

Update September 2010

I found this pic going through my archives; taken in Windsor, UK.  Look at the eyes.   Still a small sample of two.

Blinking crows in Windsor
Blinking crows in Windsor